Light up with a candle

A selection of candles to combine the beautiful and the useful

Some omens have announced that this winter electricity, or even firewood, could run out. Hence an almost natural feeling of panic among the population. In order to cope and care for appearances, you cannot be advised too much to stock up on candles and lights. And here you are. Because, to the fire, we preferred the lights. These small and multiple sources of light boosters are real indoor farfadets, at the same time that some refer to not so distant times when they guided their people from one room to another. This is a good way to combine the beautiful with the useful (and the local). And to flash on the possible last-minute gift for the chronic Christmas latecomers.

The Studio Seitz candlestick is shaped like an Appenzell milk bucket and can be used as a "head" or "spade".

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10 rustic objects revisited for chalet decoration


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